各位家长,学生,老师和志愿者们: 本周六 (12/17/22)是中文学校语言班第十四周, 课外活动班第 十 三 周上课。因庆祝圣诞节和新年,接下来两周学校放假不上课,明年1月7日再回到学校上课。 This Saturday (12/17/22) is the 14th time of the language classes and the 13th time of the activity classes in our school. Our school will be closed during the weekend of Chrismas and New Year. The school will be resumed on 01/07/2023.  本周六由L6B家长交通值日,希望家长们多多支持! This Saturday, 
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各位家长,学生,老师和志愿者们: 本周六 (12/10/22)是中文学校语言班第十三周, 课外活动班第 十二 周上课。 This Saturday (12/10/22) is the 13th time of the language classes and the 12th time of the activity classes in our school.  本周六由LKB家长交通值日,希望家长们多多支持! This Saturday, LKB parents are on duty of traffic safety. All relevant parents please support! 本周六上午9:30在1214教室举办一场关于身体自愈力的讲座,帮助大家变得健康年轻。本次讲座由张燕琼生物科学博士主讲,张博士是基因表达调控研究专家和科学健康管理专家。欢迎所有感兴趣的家长和朋友们前去参加。详情请见附件的宣传页。 This Saturday at 9:30am in classroom 
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各位家长,学生,老师和志愿者们: 本周六 (12/03/22)是中文学校语言班第十二周, 课外活动班第 十一 周上课。 This Saturday (12/03/22) is the 12th time of the language classes and the 11th time of the activity classes in our school.  本周六由L2B家长交通值日,希望家长们多多支持! This Saturday, L2B parents are on duty of traffic safety. All relevant parents please support! 请大家在Amazon上购物时,用此链接http://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2190391, Amazon将会给我们学校捐款。大家可以收藏此链接,并分享给您的家人和朋友们,以便让更多人使用此链接在Amazon上购物,最终让学校和我们每个家庭受益,谢谢大家! Please use this link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2190391 when you shop 
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各位家长,学生,老师和志愿者们: 本周六 (11/26/22) 中文学校所有语言班和课外活动班不上课。祝大家感恩节快乐!There is no class (neither language classes nor activity classes) this weekend. Happy Thanksgiving to You All!  Sincerely, Wenzhi Li/ 李文治2022-2023 Principalprincipal@racl.orghttp://www.racl.org/
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各位家长,学生,老师和志愿者们: 本周六 (11/19/22)是中文学校语言班第十一周, 课外活动班第 十 周上课。 This Saturday (11/19/22) is the eleventh time of the language classes and the tenth time of the activity classes in our school.  本周六由L1B家长交通值日,希望家长们多多支持! This Saturday, L1B parents are on duty of traffic safety. All relevant parents please support! 本周六上午9点30分在学校1214教室举办家长读书会,分享包括《正面管教》等书籍。 欢迎感兴趣的家长和朋友们参加,并加入下面的读书分享微信群。 This Saturday at 9:30 a.m., 
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各位家长,学生,老师和志愿者们: 本周六 (11/12/22)是中文学校语言班第十周, 课外活动班第九周上课。 This Saturday (11/12/22) is the tenth time of the language classes and the nineth time of the activity classes in our school.  本周六由L8B家长交通值日,希望家长们多多支持! This Saturday, L8B parents are on duty of traffic safety. All relevant parents please support! 本周六上午9点30分在学校1214教室举办一个【如何做一个聪慧的消费者】专题讲座。年末购物季节即将来临, 大家如何了解商家从e-commerce到social retailing的变迁,做一个聪慧的消费者。我们请到来自新泽西的朱艺老师给我们讲述零售业的变迁和高科技在老龄化社会中发挥的作用。让我们做为消费者如何辨别选择抗衰老商品,提高生活品质。朱艺老师是清华大学毕业,MIT MBA,从事能源咨询,金融投行,和职业咨询, 是E-commerce和社交商务实践者。欢迎感兴趣的家长和朋友们参加! This Saturday 
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各位家长,学生,老师和志愿者们: 本周六 (11/05/22)是中文学校语言班第九周, 课外活动班第八周上课。本周六9:15-10:15am所有语言班将在1212教室进行期中考试补考。 This Saturday (11/05/22) is the nineth time of the language classes and the eighth time of the activity classes in our school. The language class will have a makeup  mid-term exam at room #1212 from 9:15am to 10:15am. 本周六由L4A家长交通值日,希望家长们多多支持! This Saturday, L4A parents 
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各位家长,学生,老师和志愿者们: 本周六 (10/29/22)是中文学校语言班第八周, 课外活动班第七周上课。本周六语言班将进行期中考试,请学生们做好复习,准时到校考试。 This Saturday (10/29/22) is the eighth time of the language classes and the seventh time of the activity classes in our school. The language class will have a mid-term exam. Students please have a good preparation for the exam and come to the 
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各位家长,学生,老师和志愿者们: 本周六 (10/22/22)是中文学校语言班第七周, 课外活动班第六周上课。本周六语言班将进行期中考试复习,下周六(10/29/22)将进行期中考试。 This Saturday (10/22/22) is the seventh time of the language classes and the sixth time of the activity classes in our school. This Saturday the language classes will review for the mid-term exam, which is scheduled next Saturday (10/29/22). 趣味数学班和SAT数学班本周停课一次,将在01/14/23的周末补课。 The Fun Math and 
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各位家长,学生,老师和志愿者们: 本周六 (10/15/22)是中文学校语言班第六周,课外活动班第五周上课。 This Saturday (10/15/22) is the sixth time of the language classes and the fifth time of the activity classes in our school. 全美中文学校协会特别推出首届“我与美国华人历史”视觉艺术展示大赛。大赛设初中组、高中组、青年组和成人组,欢迎个人和团体报名参赛。大赛亦会通过专家团队和技术团队给参赛选手需要的技术和信息支持。大赛的报名截止日是10/31。作品提交截止日是2023年4月。如果作品提前在11/15之前提交,则同一作品能自动参加两次大赛和评选。具体详情请见大赛网页:https://csaus.one/2022/10/10/chinese-american-history-contest/。  The Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS) launched the first “Me and Chinese American History” Visual Art Exhibition Competition. The 
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