Founded in 1995, the Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language (RACL) is a nonprofit, non-political, 501(c)(3) educational institution. Its objectives include promoting Chinese language, teaching Chinese and Oriental history and culture, and enhancing the understanding and friendship among various background people in our community in the Triangle area of North Carolina. RACL strives to reach its goal by conducting school year-long Saturday classes, sponsoring Chinese culture oriented activities, and playing an active and contributing role in our community.
尊敬的各位家长朋友们, 新的学期即将拉开帷幕!我们热忱欢迎新老同学们回到学校,共同开启新的学习旅程。 如果您还没有完成注册报名,请抓紧时间,期待在学校里见到每个孩子脸上绽放的笑容 对于已有账号的家庭,注册程序非常简单。只需访问 并登录即可完成注册。 新生注册程序如下: 1. 点击注册链接 进入页面。 2. 点击 “don’t have an account, click here”。 3. 完成并提交家庭信息页面。 4. 家长们将收到一封电子邮件,按邮件中的注册步骤完成注册。 学费支付方式: 1. 通过 Zelle 支付至 2. 通过 PayPal 支付(附加费2%):在 Family Account/Registration 页面点击 PayPal 按钮直接支付。 3. 现场支付:家长们可以在9/07开学第一天使用支票或现金支付。katie Li / 李妙正 2024-2025 Principalprincipal@racl.org 266Download school_calendar_2024_2025 2-2 (2)Download