Founded in 1995, the Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language (RACL) is a nonprofit, non-political, 501(c)(3) educational institution. Its objectives include promoting Chinese language, teaching Chinese and Oriental history and culture, and enhancing the understanding and friendship among various background people in our community in the Triangle area of North Carolina. RACL strives to reach its goal by conducting school year-long Saturday classes, sponsoring Chinese culture oriented activities, and playing an active and contributing role in our community.

Latest News and Announcements

RACL 2024 秋季第四周

洛丽汉语学校三十年(1995-2025) 校庆系列活动金秋十月即将拉开序幕!Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language (RACL) 30th Anniversary Celebration Series EventsBegin in October 2024 三十年校庆系列活动简介: 家庭运动会(Family Fun Sports Event)报名已经开始了! 请点击以下链接报名Fun sports for all RACL students and families Registration Starts NOW, click the following link to register! Registration Starts today (Free for all registerd before 10/19)Registration Link: 更多精彩活动会陆续公布Stay Tuned, more events coming! 展翼绘画比赛(Art Contest): 10/2024-11/2024 (Stay tuned, coming soon)Selected…

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亲爱的家长们, 本周六(9月28日)是秋季学期的第四周。请注意,学校将在9月28日后开始收取$30的逾期注册费用。感谢您们的理解与配合! 此外,本周六有龙舟节活动,学校将设有美食摊位和文艺摊位,欢迎大家下课后前来围观。龙舟节活动地址:Koka Booth Amphitheatre和Cary的Symphony Lake。 每周六,APEX学校都会有足球比赛,预计将持续到11月底。比赛期间,早上9点以后学校的停车位基本会被占满,家长停车可能会比较困难。为此,学校计划安排志愿者在car pool通道迎接孩子并送至教室。家长可能需要将车停得稍远一些。如果您希望由志愿者接送孩子,请提前叮嘱孩子并告知其所在的班级。同时,请勿在非car pool区域上下车,注意安全! 为了更好的给孩子们和家长们创造一个舒适、安静的校园环境,RACL与墨地安全团队合作,对学校的安全系统进行了定制化的升级。我们将继续投入使用新的墨地-RACL安全系统,旨在有效区分教学区与等待区。 Dear Parents, This Saturday (September 28th) marks the fourth week of the fall semester. Please be aware that the school will begin charging a late registration fee of $30 after September 28th. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! Additionally, this Saturday School will join the Dragon Boat Festival and…

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尊敬的各位家长: 本周六(9月21日)是全校语言班开学的第三周,同时也是课外班的第二周。目前本学期的学生注册工作已基本完成。请家长们注意,学校将在9月28日后收取$30的逾期注册费用。感谢大家的配合! 本学期每周六APEX学校有足球比赛,可能要一直持续到11月底,早上9点之后的学校停车位基本上满了,家长停车比较困难。学校计划安排志愿者在car pool line这里迎接小朋友下车并送到教室,家长可能要停的远一点。如果家长想让志愿者接孩子的话,请嘱咐一下孩子并告知孩子在班级教师。并请不要在非car pool的地方下车,注意安全! 为了更好的给孩子们和家长们创造一个舒适、安静的校园环境,RACL与墨地安全团队合作,对学校的安全系统进行了定制化的升级。我们将继续投入使用新的墨地-RACL安全系统,旨在有效区分教学区与等待区。 谢谢您一直以来的支持! Dear Parents, As we enter the third week of the school year, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of a few important updates and announcements. Firstly, I want to thank all parents for their support during the registration process. As of now, the registration for this semester has…

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