RACL 2022 Fall Semester Open Enrollment and Book Distribution

大家好! 希望大家暑期愉快!

Hope you all are enjoying the Summer!

洛丽汉语学校领导团队决定2022秋季学期将回到教室上课,但一部分课外活动课将保留网上教学。语言课将于2022年9月10日上午9:15 开学; 课外活动班将于9月17日开课。学校日历参见http://www.racl.org/school-calendar/。外地学生请电邮给校长principal@racl.org申请远程教学支持。

RACL decided 2022 Fall semester will be back to the classrooms for in-person learning except that a small number of activity classes will be kept online. The language classes will start at 9:15am on September 10th, 2022. All activities’ classes will begin on September 17th, 2022. The school calendar can be found here: http://www.racl.org/school-calendar/. Non-local students please email Principal at principal@racl.org for remote support.

在校学生可以自行登录注册系统在线注册http://apps.racl.org/,如果忘记了密码, 可以点击忘记密码链接自行重设密码。如果还有问题,或者你要同时注册两门或多门课外活动班,可以发电子邮件至: registration@racl.org, 并在Subject一栏中注明: Reset password,或者Register for 2nd activity class。

All returning students please register on-line through http://apps.racl.org/. If you forget the password, you can reset it from the login page. If you encounter any issues or if you want to register two or more activities classes, please send an email to registration@racl.org with a subject “Reset password” or “Register for 2nd activity class”.

新学生请访问我们的网站:http://www.racl.org/registration/,在线填写新生注册表:https://forms.gle/XpLYTbpjktBwRCHn8。如需帮助,请发Email给registration@racl.org,并在Subject一栏注明:New Student or Add New Student。

All new students please visit the school web site (http://www.racl.org/registration/) and fill out the new student online registration form https://forms.gle/XpLYTbpjktBwRCHn8. If you need help, please send email to registration@racl.org with a a subject “New Student” or “Add New Student”.学校将于2022年8月27日上午9点15分至11点15分, 在Apex Middle School前门停车场分发2022秋季语言班教材 (CSL, Pre-K 和 AP Chinese课程按老师要求自行买书), 这是唯一的一次书本集中分发。同时我们也将提供现场注册和缴费。Books will be distrubted from 9:15am to 11:15am on Saturday August 27, 2022 at the front gate parking lot of school address (not for CSL, Pre-K and Chinese API classes). This will be the only time of book distribution. At the same time, on-site registration will be provided and cash/check payment will be accepted. 学校开通online Zelle 支付方法. 请支付RACL学费到accounting@racl.org, 并且在信息栏清楚注明家长姓名, 学生姓名和班级。

RACL uses Zelle as the online payment method. Please pay the tuition to RACL at accounting@racl.org and provide the parent name(s), student name(s) and attending class(es) in Message/Memo section.  
还未加入RACL微信群的家长或学生,请扫描下面的微信二维码入群:You can join the RACL WeChat group by scanning the following QRCode:


Wenzhi Li/ 李文治
2022-2023 Principal

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