各位 RACL 家长,同学,老师,自愿服务者及工作人员: 大家好,希望大家有一个愉快的夏天! 今年是是洛丽中文学校建校20周年。洛丽中文学校作为RTP地区华人的非牟利机构,本着以家长和学生为基础,通过由家长义工组成的全体工作人员的努力,为我们的孩子提供一个最好的中文学习环境,传承中华文化,并且加强华人社区的凝聚力。为此,我们保持着高品质的教学质量和高品质的教师素质。同时,我们也在不断地努力,希望为我们的华人家庭提供一个更好的相互交流的平台。 关于一些家庭提出的上学太远的问题,新的学年我们会积极寻找新的学校地点,希望新的校址能够方便大部分的家庭。 现在是洛丽中文学校的困难时期,希望各位家长能够集思广益,帮助我们的学校渡过难关。 洛丽中文学校将于8/22/2015, 9:15am 开学,我们学校地址仍然是RCHS. 我们将有现场注册。另外课外活动班将于8/29开学。 ———————————- Dear RACL parents, students, teachers, and volunteers, I hope that everyone is having a great summer! This year marks the 20th anniversary for RACL. RACL, as a non-profit organization in RTP, operates completely 
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Dear RACL families: Congratulations to most students who have finished your final exams on last Sat 5/9!  All students will get their school certificates for past year’s Chinese class study or Graduate certificate for Chinese SAT/AP class students.   There is NO activity class on 5/16.  
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RACL held its annual General Election on May 9, 2015. The following individuals were elected positions to service RACL in the next school year: Principal (2015-2016): Ms. Xin Fang (150 ballots) V-Principal (2015-2016): Mr. Zhiping Zhang (143 ballots) Chair of PTA (2015-2016): Mr. Lin Xu 
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Dear RACL family, We will NOT have school(both Chinese and Activity) on this Sat (4/18) again due to the building is reserved by RCHS.  It is on our schedule: http://www.racl.org/calendar.html.  We will resume both Chinese and Activity classes on 4/25. Our school summer camp registration 
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Dear RACL Family, We will have normal school (Chinese and Activities) on this Sat 3/28/15 even though this is Spring Break week. Please pay attention to this.  For students that have been taking 3 days of snow make up classes in wcpss schools, we wish 
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For 2015, you can take the test on April 4th, May 30th, August 22nd, or November 21st. The testing center website should always show the available test dates. For more information about YCT test, please visit FAQ for YCT.
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Dear RACL teachers, students and parents, RACL Scholarship for 2014 – 2015 academic year is now accepting applications. All current or former RACL high school students may apply for this scholarship award if you are qualified. Please read the document for detailed information. We will 
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We are very happy to announce that RACL has signed the official lease with Raleigh Charter High School (RCHS) today. Starting from the 2014 Fall semester, RCHS will be RACL’s new location. RCHS Location: 1307 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27605 RCHS距现RACL校址(FHBC)仅2哩,环境优美,地理方便。学校离州农贸市场,好市多(COSTCO)超市,市中心博物馆区只有五到十分钟车程。附近还有一个公园,是喜爱体育健身的家长的好去处。更多信息将会在夏季陆续公布。注意: 因为Glenwood Ave 很繁忙, City 
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Shop at AmazonSmile now through 3/31/14 and Amazon will donate an extra $5 to Raleigh Academy Of Chinese Language. Click on this link to get started:http://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2190391
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RACL was established in 1995.
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