School Starts on 9/10/2022, Classroom Assignment & Carpool Guideline

大家好,本周六 (9/10/22)是RACL开学的第一天,为了帮助家长和同学顺利找到教室和安全接送孩子,请家长和同学阅读附件文档:教师教室名单和接送学生交通指导。本周六学校只有语言课,没有课外活动课,所有语言课都在11点结束,请家长准时来接你们的孩子,谢谢大家的合作。
Hello everyone, This Saturday (9/10/22) is the first day of the class. To help parents and students find your classrooms and safely drop and pick your children, please read the attached teacher and classroom list and carpool guideline. There is no activity class this Saturday.  Parents, please pick up your children at 11:00 am on Saturday. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

学校的日历请见:。 课外活动课程相关信息请见:。 还未注册的学生,请家长尽快注册。返校学生可以自行登录注册系统在线注册,新学生请访问我们的网站:,在线填写新生注册表:。如需帮助或有疑问,请发Email给
The school calendar is available at: Information on extracurricular activities courses is available at:  For students who have not yet registered, please register as soon as possible. Returning students can log in to the registration system and register online at For new students, please visit our website: and fill in the registration form online: https: // For assistance or questions, please email

履行家长执勤任务是每位家长的义务!每个周六我们都会需要大量的义工来执勤, 指挥车辆交通,维持教学秩序。 本年度家长执勤以班级为单位,每班每学期只需要参与执勤一次。执勤任务为早交通,时间为早晨9:00 – 9:20。老师请记录自己班级执勤时间,并提前一周在班级邮件中通知家长,也请家长记录自己孩子(们)所在班级的执勤时间。
Parents’ Duty is mandatory!To ensure a safe and orderly learning environment, we need lots of volunteers to run school every Saturday, direct traffic route, and keep the orderly recess time. This year’s parental duty is based on the class, and each class only needs to participate in the duty once per semester. The duty task consists of early traffic patrol, 9:00am – 9:20am. The teacher should record the date of your class parents’ duty and notify the parents in the class via email one week in advance, and ask the parents to mark the calendar.


9:00 学校入口门外旗杆下, 领取义工马甲, 按照负责人分派的任务,维持停车场秩序与行人安全。
Early Morning Traffic Safety Patrol:

Check in: 9:00 – 9:20 am,Apex Middle School Entrance under the flagpole.  

Duty Description: Pick up volunteer vest, follow coordinator instruction. Direct vehicles follow the traffic route and keep pedestrians safe.

家长, 老师和同学们,你们在Amazon上购物时,请用以下的链接。用此链接,Amazon会给我们学校捐款。谢谢大家!
Share this link: and ask your donors, volunteers, employees, and friends to bookmark this link so all their eligible shopping will benefit Raleigh Academy Of Chinese Language.

RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。
RACL belongs to all parents and children. Thank you for your support!


Wenzhi Li/ 李文治
2022-2023 Principal

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