We are very happy to announce that RACL has signed the official lease with Raleigh Charter High School (RCHS) today. Starting from the 2014 Fall semester, RCHS will be RACL’s new location.
RCHS Location: 1307 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27605
RCHS距现RACL校址(FHBC)仅2哩,环境优美,地理方便。学校离州农贸市场,好市多(COSTCO)超市,市中心博物馆区只有五到十分钟车程。附近还有一个公园,是喜爱体育健身的家长的好去处。更多信息将会在夏季陆续公布。注意: 因为Glenwood Ave 很繁忙, City of Raleigh 要求车辆不能从 Glenwood Ave 进/出RCHS。 如您从西边如Cary/Apex/Morrisville来,应从 Wade Ave -> 右转至 St Marys St -> 左转至 Nichol Wood Dr -> Washington St。 当你看到Methodist Home For Children标志,你就从那条小路进入RCHS停车场. 我们8/23将在路边放置一些标志.