RACL Principal Newsletter 2/24/2017


  1. 本周六 2/25/2017 继续上课,语言班上课时间 9:15am – 11:00am; 课外活动班上课时间11:10am – 12:00pm 或 12:55pm。
  1. 还没有注册和交学费的家长,请抓紧注册和交费。每学期要重新注册和交费。

在校学生请在线注册 http://apps.racl.org/,如忘记了密码, 可以按指定办法重新设置。如果还有问题,或者你要同时注册二门课外活动班,可以发电子邮件至: registration@racl.org。 请在Subject 一栏注明: Reset password, 或者 Register for 2nd activity class。

  1. RACL 讲座: 浅谈美国房屋买卖租赁,日常维护以及投资房风险规避

主讲: Mike Tao

NC licensed Broker & Realtor

Dunlap Lilley Properties, Inc

AIJIA Home Inspections LLC

THIT Certified

北卡RTP第一位华人验房师(Home Inspector)



时间: 2月25日上午9:30-10:30 (本周六)。

地点: Room 1214, RACL 家长休息室



  1. Shark Tank competition for Asian American middle school students in RTP

关于这个Shark Tank Competition,对初中生是个很好的锻炼机会。学校准备组1-2个队,并找高中生当教练。有热心家长马俊红愿意组织协调。学校的报名联接 https://goo.gl/forms/Hjk7qRTpHX0mZ8BU2

Of course, you can register, create your own team from Cisco System’s Connected Asian Affinity Network (CAAN).

Dear RTP Asian American community leaders:

Cisco System’s Connected Asian Affinity Network (CAAN) is hosting a Shark Tank competition for middle school students in the Triangle area. There will be a kick-off event in March and a final event in April.

We would like to solicit your assistance in getting the word out about this program to Asian and Asian American students, as well as parents and teachers of eligible middle school students, including those attending public and charter schools, and private and parochial schools. We would also like to get the word out to Asian language schools, newspapers, churches, temples, and cultural and professional organizations. Attached is a 2-page document describing the competition, including eligibility requirements, objectives, and prizes.

For any questions about this program, you may ask my colleague William Lee, who is cc’d on this email.


Hector Javier

Cisco Systems, RTP

  1. 孔子学院 魏燕院长 is seeking help from RACL. They need some volunteer(s) on 2/28 (Tue) 6:30-7:30pm at Abbott’s Creek Community Center to “扮演我们的吉祥物 BaoBao(mascot),穿上大熊猫的衣服在活动场地来回走走,跟参与活动的嘉宾互动”。将提供晚餐及感谢信!Racl 和孔子学院有长期良好互动关系!他们过去对Racl也有很多帮助。同时这对高中生也是一个很好的社区服务机会,能拿到感谢信及社区服务学时。希望能有人积极参与!有愿意帮忙的家长和/或高中生吗?请回复。


RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。


Zhiping Zhang/张治平

RACL 2016-2017 校长

代表 RACL 学校执行委员会




Dear Parents, Students, Teachers, Volunteers/Staff members:

  1. RACL will resume all activities on Saturday,2/25/2017. All Chinese Language Classes will start from 9:15am to 11:00am. All activity classes will start from 11:10am to either 12:00pm or 12:55pm.
  1. Kindly remind you that the registration and payment of tuition are semester based; if not, please register and pay the tuition now!

Online registration is now open. All returning students need to complete the registration online at http://apps.racl.org/. If you forget your family account password, you can reset it following the instruction listed there. If you still have problems, or if you want to register more than one activity classes, please email us at registration@racl.org  with a subject: “Reset password”,or “Register for 2nd activity class”.

  1. Seminar: House buying and selling, maintenance and repair

Presented by Mr. Mike Tao,

Date and Time: 9:30AM-10:30AM, Saturday, February 25, 2017

Location: Room 1214.

Hosted by RACL PTA

  1. Shark Tank competition for Asian American middle school students in RTPCisco Shark Tank Competition

If you or your student is in Middle School and is interested in and makes commitment to the Shark Tank competition, would you please fill the form at:


RACL is going to create 1-2 team(s) for the competition, and will invite high school student to be the Coach. Details will be announced based on how many students register.

For the competition, please see below original email and attached file.

Thank the parent Junhong Ma for voluntarily coordinating the activity.

If you have any concerns, suggestions, would you please let us know.

Of course, you can register, create your own team from Cisco System’s Connected Asian Affinity Network (CAAN).


Dear RTP Asian American community leaders:

Cisco System’s Connected Asian Affinity Network (CAAN) is hosting a Shark Tank competition for middle school students in the Triangle area. There will be a kick-off event in March and a final event in April.

We would like to solicit your assistance in getting the word out about this program to Asian and Asian American students, as well as parents and teachers of eligible middle school students, including those attending public and charter schools, and private and parochial schools. We would also like to get the word out to Asian language schools, newspapers, churches, temples, and cultural and professional organizations. Attached is a 2-page document describing the competition, including eligibility requirements, objectives, and prizes.

For any questions about this program, you may ask my colleague William Lee, who is cc’d on this email.


Hector Javier

Cisco Systems, RTP

  1. 孔子学院 魏燕院长 is seeking help from RACL. They need some volunteer(s) on 2/28 (Tue) 6:30-7:30pm at Abbott’s Creek Community Center to “扮演我们的吉祥物 BaoBao(mascot),穿上大熊猫的衣服在活动场地来回走走,跟参与活动的嘉宾互动”。将提供晚餐及感谢信!Racl 和孔子学院有长期良好互动关系!他们过去对Racl也有很多帮助。同时这对高中生也是一个很好的社区服务机会,能拿到感谢信及社区服务学时。希望能有人积极参与!有愿意帮忙的家长和/或高中生吗?




Zhiping Zhang/张治平

RACL 2016-2017 Principal

on behalf of RACL executive committee

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