RACL Language and Activity Classes Continue this Week on 03/11/2023; Seminar on Education Fund Planning; Summer Camp Introduction;


本周六 (3月11日)是春季语言班第七周, 课外活动班第六周上课,各语言班将进行期中考试。补考日定在下周六(3月18日)进行。

This Saturday (03/11/23) is the 7th time of language classes and 6th time of activity classes. Each language class will conduct a mid-term exam, and the mid-term exam makeup will be held next Saturday (03/18/23). 


This Saturday, L3A parents are on duty of traffic safety. All relevant parents please support!

本周六 (03/11/23,9:30am–10:30am) 我校将在1214教室举办讲座《教育基金规划》。Jenny 老师会和大家分享一个非常重要问题的看法—为孩子教育基金做准备。Jenny老师一直关注教育并且深信教育带给人的机会, 她认为每个孩子都有接受高质量教育的机会,无论她们的背景和财务状况如何。 Jenny老师通过多年研究和实际,和大家分享如何共同努力来帮助孩子们建立教育基金, 给大家分享一些最佳的实践,希望能帮您开始这个旅程。

This Saturday (03/11/23, 9:30am–10:30am) our school will hold a seminar “Education Fund Planning” in Room 1214. Teacher Jenny will share with you her views on a very important issue – preparing for children’s education funds. Ms. Jenny has always paid attention to education and firmly believes in the opportunities that education brings to people. She believes that every child has the opportunity to receive a high-quality education, regardless of their background and financial status. Through years of research and practice, teacher Jenny will share with you how to work together to help children build education funds, and share some best practices with you, hoping to help you start this journey.

为丰富孩子们的暑期学习和活动,我校即将推出全方面全天候的暑期夏令营。营房课程内容包括中文听说读写唱,英文,数学等各科目补习,发掘竞赛潜能,各种画画,运动,唱歌,舞蹈和象棋等兴趣课程,大孩子还包括SAT,准备AP,计算机编程等课程。 报名年龄从K至11年级均可,将按学生年龄或年级分营;开营时间从6/19至8/18日,可按周报名,7/3那周除外;提供全天营,半天营,营前和营后小孩照护等;午餐可选择自带或由学校提供;营址在West Cary;本校学生和校友,家庭多位小孩报名,早鸟报名等将享受优惠价;志愿者家庭享受Credit。报名链接将在下周开放给大家。详细信息请见下面的附件海报,希望大家向身边的亲朋好友转发!

To enrich students’ summer learning and activities, our school will soon launch an all-round summer camp. The summer camp courses include Chinese listening, speaking, reading, writing and singing, tutoring on English, mathematics and other subjects, exploring the potential of competition, along with various drawing, sports, singing, dancing, chess and other interest courses. Older children also will be offered with SAT, AP preparation, computer programming etc. The age of registration is from Grade K to Grade 11, and camps will be grouped according to the age or grade of the students. The opening time of the camp is from 6/19 to 8/18 except for the week of 7/3, and you can register on a weekly basis. full-day camps and half-day camps are available along with before care and after care options. Lunch can be brought by yourself or provided by the school. The camp site is located in West Cary. Students and alumni of our school, families with multiple children, early bird registration etc. will enjoy discounted prices. Volunteer families will enjoy credit. The registration link will be open to everyone next week. Please see the poster attached for details, and please forward it to your relatives and friends around you!

RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。

RACL belongs to all parents and children. Thank you for your support! 

Wenzhi Li/ 李文治
2022-2023 Principal

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