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AC_Drawing 1: Watercolor Painting / 美术班 1: 水彩

Teacher: Katie Liu

This class is constructed to teach students how to master the skills and techniques of watercolor. Throughout the year, students will learn a plethora of methods through which to create holistic art products and about various artists who have impacted the development of the medium. The goal of this class is to give beginning students a strong foundation in watercolor for which they can later progress and improve on as well as to challenge experienced students in improving their technique.


AC_Drawing 2: Cartoon / 美术班 2: 卡通

Teacher: Xi Wang

Welcome to Ms. Wang’s drawing class. In my class, children will learn how to draw cartoons step-by-step in a fun and engaging way.  They will learn to draw cool creatures and awesome objects.

The class is designed for beginners and perfect for age 5-10 years old.

At the beginning of each lesson, children draw cartoons by following the steps first.  After several practice of drawing, they will be able to draw it on their own from memory. When they have successfully mastered the object, they start changing it to reflect their own style. I deeply believe that learning how to draw cartoons step-by-step builds a child’s critical thinking sills while nourishing self-esteem.

欢迎来到王玺老师的卡通绘画班。 在我的卡通绘画课堂上,孩子将通过丰富有趣的方式一步一步的学习如何画卡通画。孩子们将以卡通的方式画出超酷的动物和奇妙的物体。我的卡通绘画课适合初学绘画的孩子,5到10岁的学生。

在每节课开始的时候,我会带领孩子按照步骤绘制卡通画。经过多节课的绘画练习后,孩子们会凭借他们的记忆画出卡通画。当孩子成功的掌握卡通画的绘画技巧后,他们可以根据自己的绘画风格,绘制出自己的卡通画。我深信, 通过一步一步的学习画卡通画,可以增强孩子的逻辑思维,成就感和自信心。

Material: 需要的材料:

  • Pencils 铅笔
  • Color pencils 彩色铅笔
  • Eraser 橡皮
  • Pencil sharpener 削铅笔刀
  • Sketchbook 绘画本
  • Imagination 想象力

AC_Drawing 3: Sketching / 美术班 3:素描

Teacher: Feng Jia

Are you excited to learn the quick and easy way to draw just using a magic pencil? Would you like to make your picture vivid and 3-D effect? Please come to join my sketching drawing class. Sketch drawing is an enjoyable and handy skill to learn, as well as being a great hobby for your life time. Drawing is a very effective and creative way to record the beauty of life. Drawing can also stimulate your love for life. Sketching is an easy and efficient way to record the beautiful subjects and people surrounding you.

The goal of this class is to stimulate your interest and provide you a taste on sketches and drawing skills and techniques, It aimed to develop kids’ drawing skills and creativity by practicing, incorporating techniques used by great artists. Previous drawing experience is preferred but not a must.

Topics in this class include but not limited to:

  1. Introduction on sketching drawing skills and techniques, including line, and contour drawing, perspective, shapes and proportion, tone, texture, pattern, composition and coloring
  2. Introduction on how to apply the sketching techniques to bring the 2D image into a 3D-vivi shape with real-feeling texture
  3. Introduce how to draw real subjects from daily life still subjects to animal and cartoon and portrait.

亲爱的小朋友们, 你们很想学一种只需要铅笔和白纸的简单的绘画方法吗?你想让你的画画作品栩栩如生而又富有3-D立体效果吗?那快请来参加素描美术班吧!素描绘画是一种非常享受而简单易学的绘画技巧。它也可以成为帮随你一生的美好的爱好。绘画是可以记录生活中的美好, 可以激发你对生活的热爱。现在就请你拿起笔来,和我一起用素描的方法去记录你身边美好的事物吧!



  1. 介绍素描技巧,包括点,线,面,拢廓线,透视,形状和比例,构图,色调,质感,线条,线条的排列组何。
  2. 介绍如何将二维画面画出三维立体效果
  3. 教授如何绘画简单的静物, 并根据学生的个体情况,调整学习进度,会加入学生感兴趣的主题,比如动物,卡通,和人物画像。

AC_Chinese Caligraphy (shu fa)  / 中国书法

老师: 吕悟鸣

此课程将主要教授行书、楷书相结合的中国书法,具体将以欧(欧阳询)字体为讲解和练习的目标。授课老师吕悟鸣先生,作为中国建设部书法协会会员,曾于1986被中国建设部书法协会授予“中国中老年书法名家”称号。 国家纪念毛泽东诞辰120周年书画作品展时,有三副作品被选中,并被授予书法名家称号。 此课程将面向各个水平的儿童、青少年及成年人书法爱好者因材施教,让初学者打好扎实的中国书法基础,让有经验的学生继续提高书法水平。


  • 狼毫毛笔:大中小每人各一支。
  • 塑料墨盒
  • 练习用米格纸