


周三是蛇年农历大年初一。相信大家都过了个快乐的中国年!祝各位家长新年快乐!吃嘛嘛香,身体棒棒,钱包鼓鼓,烦恼少少,幸福多多!  笑口常开,越活越年轻!  祝小朋友们在新的一年里健康快乐,学习进步,天天都充满好奇和勇气,笑容像阳光一样灿烂!


温馨提示:还没付款的家长请2月3日前完成付款可避免额外费用,~ 如有任何疑问,欢迎随时联系我们!感谢您的支持与配合!

Dear Parents,

This Saturday, February 1st, 2025, marks the fourth week of the 2025 spring semester (snow makeup day), and school will be in session as usual.

Wednesday was the first day of the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Snake. I believe everyone has had a joyful Chinese New Year! Wishing all parents a Happy New Year! May you enjoy delicious food, stay healthy, have a full wallet, fewer worries, and abundant happiness! May you always wear a smile and look younger with each passing year! Wishing all the children health and happiness in the new year, progress in their studies, and may each day be filled with curiosity and courage, with smiles as bright as sunshine!

For the little participants of the drawing and little host competitions, if you haven’t received your  🏅 yet, please come to room 1220 to receive your awards. Regardless of the competition results, every brave participant will receive a special commemorative medal to applaud your wonderful performances!

Friendly reminder: Parents who have not yet made payments, please complete your payments by February 3rd to avoid additional fees. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time! Thank you for your support and cooperation!

Best regards

Kaite Li /李妙正

2024-2025 Principal


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