

猪年大吉!我代表本届领导团队给我们学校的老师, 家长, 同学和全体义工拜个早年. 祝大家新年快乐, 万事如意! 庆祝农历新年, 本周六(2/2)学校不上课, 请大家互相转告。

To celebrate the Chinese New Year, there will be NO classes this Saturday (2/2).  And I wish everyone at RACL Happy New Year!

我们学校2019年洛丽汉语学校(RACL)“家合房地产”春节联欢会将在下周末隆重上演.  欢迎广大同学和家长积极踊跃参加这次活动。

表演型式:才艺表演(Talent Show)

表演时间:02/09/2019,10:45 am – 12:30 pm

表演地点:RACL Campus, Apex Middle School Auditorium


Our school’s Chinese New Year celebration will be held the next Saturday (2/9) from 10: 45 am to 12:30 pm at Apex Middle School auditorium.  For detail, please see the attached flyer.

因为 Apex Middle School 暖气系统维修, 学校1/19的课取消了.  商议确定后,补课日期定为4/13. 请大家互相转告。

Due to the repair of Apex Middle School heating system, we canceled classes on January 19.  The make-up date for the missing class has been set to be April 13

Lin Xu /
2018-2019 Principal

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