RACL Principal Newsletter 4/14/2018


本周六(4/14/18)为学校开学第十一周. 课外活动课也将在本周照常进行.

RACL will have regular classes this Saturday (4/14/18). And activity classes will also normal schedule this Saturday.

CAFA 本周六10 am to 11 am将在RACL为大家提供签证和拍照服务.

CAFA Visa/Passport Committee plans to provide a China visa service as well as a Document Authentication service on Saturday, April. 14, 2018. Here are the location and time:

TIME: 10:00am – 11:00am, Saturday, April. 14

PLACE: RACL Campus (Apex Middle School, Building B, 400 East Moore St., Apex, NC 27502)


时间:4月14日,9:30 – 10:30 am;

地点:RACL家长休息室 1214教室。

RACL PTA invited a RTP well known cooking expert to give a cooking seminar and demonstration.  The seminar will be at room 1214 from 9:30 to 10:30 am this Saturday.

一年一度的RACL露营(Camping)活动定于六月九日在Jordan Lake举办,具体信息将在近日内公布。希望大家届时积极参加。

Please mark it on your calendar.  This year’s annual RACL camping is back to the Jordan Lake on June 9.  The detail information will follow soon.

家长, 老师和同学们,你们在Amazon上购物时,请用以下的链接。用此链接,Amazon会给我们学校捐款。谢谢大家。

Share this linkhttp://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2190391 and ask your donors, volunteers, employees, and friends to bookmark this link so all their eligible shopping will benefit Raleigh Academy Of Chinese Language.

RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。 我们洛丽汉语学校见!

Lin Xu /
2017-2018 Principal

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