RACL Principal Newsletter 12/15/2018


本周六 12/15/2018是本学期最后一次课。中文班期末考试(一课时), 上课(一课时)。考试及上课时间 9:15am – 11:00am;Activity classes 课外活动班不上课。请在11:00am 接您的学生!期末补考在下学期的第一天飓风补课日(1/5/19)进行.

RACL will have the final exam this Saturday (12/15/18). And the exam make-up date is the first day of the next semester (1/5/19).  Please have your children come to the school on time.  There are NO activities classes this Saturday.  Please come to pick up your children at 11 am tomorrow from the school.

下学期1/5/2019周六,中文班和Activity classes 课外活动班同时开始上课。中文班上课时间 9:15am – 11:00am;Activity classes课外活动班上课时间11:10am – 12:00pm 或 12:55pm。


The spring semester starts on January 5, 2019. We will have both language classes and activity classes.

今年继续采用“才艺表演”的形式举办RACL的春节联欢会,欢迎各位学生和家长老师,班级积极主动报名和相互推荐, 参与比赛(详情请看附件)。报名截止日1/12/2019。

RACL 2019 Chinese New Year celebration will continue to use a “Talent Show” format. We encourage all students to participate by themselves, or with their classmates, or with their parents. The talent show can be any format, however it is required to have Chinese elements. The deadline for submission is January 12, 2019.  Please see the attached file for detail information.

洛丽汉语学校(RACL)将在本周六和以下指定日子继续在Apex Middle进行2019 年春季学期的新老学生招生注册:  01/05/19, 01/12/19 和 01/19/19 ,9:15 – 11:30 AM

RACL will hold onsite registration on 12/15/18, 1/5/19. 1/12/19 and 1/19/19 at the Apex Middle School for 2019 spring semester.

在校学生请抓紧在线注册 http://apps.racl.org/,如忘记了密码, 可以按指定办法重新设置。如果还有问题,或者你要同时注册二门课外活动班,可以发电子邮件至: registration@racl.org。 请在Subject 一栏注明: Reset password, 或者 Register for 2nd activity class.

For returning RACL students, please register online at  http://apps.racl.org/.

新学生请访问我们的网站:http://www.racl.org/registration/。填写新生注册表. 注册表 有课外活动班的清单和价目表,如想了解更多的信息,请访问我们的网站:http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/

New RACL students please visit RACL website and fill out the new student registration form.

家长, 老师和同学们,你们在Amazon上购物时,请用以下的链接。用此链接,Amazon会给我们学校捐款。谢谢大家。

Share this linkhttp://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2190391 and ask your donors, volunteers, employees, and friends to bookmark this link so all their eligible shopping will benefit Raleigh Academy Of Chinese Language.

RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。



Lin Xu /
2018-2019 Principal

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