洛丽汉语学校 2024 选举 / RACL Election 2024

亲爱的  RACL  大家庭,

又到洛丽汉语学校( RACL )一年一度的选举时间。 我们需要按照学校章程选出我们新的校长, 副校长, 家长会主席 ,  和三位董事会成员(两年任期)。 请大家踊跃提名你心目中最喜欢的人选,递交到  election@racl.org .  我们由衷地希望这些即将当选的家长,带着他们的热情和奉献精神, 把我们的学校管理得更上一层楼!

提名截止时间: 4  月  2 6  日  11  59  PM

届时我们将会把各位提名人选的竞选纲领提供给大家。 今年我们将采用学校现场和网络相结合的投票方式。 5  月  4   周六网络及现场投票开放,课后网络投票延续至  5  月  11  日  11  59PM .

我们希望看到所有的家长都来踊跃投票, 这是大家的学校。 为了您的孩子,我们希望能听到您的声音,看到您的参与 !

李术军,王玺, 李文治

RACL 2024  年度选举委员会

Dear RACL members/parents,

RACL School Board has proposed to have General Election from  0 5 / 04 /202 4 to 05/11/2024 . This year election will be conducted onsite & online. The Election Committee consists of three members: Shujun Li, Xi Wang, and Wenzhi Li The committee now accepts nominations until  0 4 /2 6 /202 4  (Friday), 11:59pm.

Available official positions of academic year 2024-2025:


Vice Principal

Parent Committee (PTA) Chairperson

Three new Board Members – all with two-year term.

Procedures of the nomination and election:

1. Call for nomination until  0 4 /2 6 /202 4

2. Contact the candidates for the willingness and availability

3. Conduct the candidate reviews and recommendations by RACL Board

4. Post candidates’ running statements to general members

5. Final election from  0 5 / 04 /202 4 to 05/11/2024 (RACL will conduct this year’s election onsite & online)

Now, it is your time to nominate and elect your favored candidates to be school executive officers and school board members. To qualify to nominate any RACL candidate or to be nominated, you must be a RACL member. Once again, send your nomination to  election@racl.org  before  April  2 6 , 202 4 , 11:59pm .

The purposes of RACL are to promote the teaching and learning of the Chinese language, history and culture, to promote mutual understanding and friendship among students, and to promote SinoAmerica cultural exchange.

RACL is staffed by many parent volunteers since 1995 and many more years to come. We are seeking parents who are willing to volunteer their talents, time and passion to take RACL to the next level. In addition to serve as board or the elected position, there are still many other opportunities for volunteering at RACL. We appreciate your help to RACL on behalf of our students and parents. 


Shujun Li, Xi Wang, Wenzhi Li

RACL 2024 Election Committee


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